What aspects are of most interest to structures such as hotels regarding HACCP?

What aspects are of most interest to structures such as hotels regarding HACCP?

To avoid contamination, a defining aspect is the cleaning and disinfection of the premises, especially the kitchen, where the food is used, and the dining/serving room where the food is consumed by hotel customers.

Regarding the management of spaces, in hotels, the rooms where food is stored and kept must be separated from other rooms where other materials are handled, such as those intended for cleaning rooms or laundry. This separation of spaces is necessary to reduce the possible risk of food contamination.

Hotel personnel who in any way deal with food supplies must be trained so that they are not themselves a source of contamination for food products; so closely related to food HACCP for hotels is the issue of staff personal hygiene.

In terms of the health of places intended for the storage, kitchen and consumption of food in hotels, the HACCP rules of any commercial activity apply: cleaning, hygiene, disinfection, as well as the maintenance of all those tools that come into direct contact with food intended for the final consumer (refrigerators, ovens, various pots and pans …).

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